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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author must have at least a master's degree from a recognized educational institution.
  • The article must be unpublished
  • The article may have shared authorship among up to 3 (three) co-authors, provided that all have at least an undergraduate degree, and at least one author holds a master's degree. In the case of 3 (three) authors, at least one must have a doctoral degree.
  • It is the author's responsibility to remove author identification from the text of the submitted file as well as from its metadata, thereby ensuring the confidentiality criterion of the journal, if submitted for peer review.
  • Articles involving direct or indirect research with human subjects, such as interviews, questionnaire applications, database utilization, medical record reviews, and others, must be accompanied at the time of submission by a favorable prior opinion from an Ethics Committee for Research (CEP) accredited by CONPEP (National Commission for Research Ethics).
  • After publication in Revista EJEF, the papers may be published in other outlets, provided that the original publication is cited as the source.
  • No royalties or any form of compensation will be due for the publication of papers in Revista EJEF, in any type of media.
  • No more than 1 (one) article authored or co-authored by the same individual will be published in a single edition of the Journal.

Author Guidelines

Submission of Articles in Continuous Workflow

Revista EJEF accepts proposals for article publication through a continuous workflow system, exclusively via the online submission system (free of charge), requiring registration and access through login and password on the website.

Works that do not comply with any submission rules and publication standards will be disregarded. Revista EJEF is not responsible for the content of the article and will not perform correction, adaptation, or supplementation of the works, except for adjustments to linguistic and editorial standards adopted by TJMG.

Guidelines for Participation and Article Publication

Articles must include:

i – Title in Portuguese and another language, with a maximum of 15 words;

ii – Abstract in Portuguese and another language;

iii – Keywords in Portuguese (5) and another language;

iv – Textual elements: introduction, development, and conclusion, which may have titles and/or subtitles at the author(s)' discretion;

v – Post-textual elements: list of references (only works actually cited in the text);

vi – Acknowledgment to funding agencies, if the research that gave rise to the article received any kind of support and assistance.


Articles preferably written in Portuguese will be accepted, but those written in English and Spanish will also be considered, in which case the abstract must also be in English and/or Spanish.

Submitted works should be formatted as follows:

  1. Microsoft Word document – latest version;
  2. Page layout on A4 paper size;
  3. Title in Arial font, size 14, bold and centered, with a version in another language;
  4. Text in Arial font, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing for normal text; for direct quotations of more than three lines, footnotes, pagination, figure and table captions, the font size should be 10, and spacing should be single;
  5. Graphs and illustrations should occupy a maximum of 25% of the article content, with adequate reproduction quality, minimum resolution of 300 dpi for printing, ensuring balanced proportions and clear, informative captions;
  6. Left and top margin of 3 cm, right and bottom margin of 2 cm; direct quotations of more than three lines should be indented 4 cm from the left margin and without quotation marks;
  7. Citations should follow the author-date citation system (e.g., Squarisi, 2003, p. 71). Footnotes are only for explanations;
  8. Text justified, no fewer than 15 and no more than 20 pages, including references;
  9. References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the work, single spaced, left aligned;
  10. Foreign words or phrases, as well as text highlights, should be italicized;
  11. The text must adhere to other norms of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT – (NBR 6023/2018; NBR 10520/2023 and updates).

Useful links:

▪️ Practical Guide from EJEF for text standardization: formatting, normalization, and writing

▪️ Submission tutorial for articles via OJS 3 system


Peer Review Process

The papers are reviewed using the traditional double-blind peer review system, meaning that both the reviewer and the author(s) remain anonymous to each other. The journal entrusts the review to subject matter experts, who may be members of the journal’s editorial board or external reviewers. Based on the review reports, the journal editor will make the final decision regarding the publication of the paper.

To ensure that the papers do not lose relevance, the journal’s management and reviewers make a special effort to review the articles as quickly as possible.


Policy against Plagiarism

Revista EJEF does not tolerate any form of academic plagiarism, whether total or partial. All published texts are the sole responsibility of their authors and co-authors.

Accurate identification of information sources, including ideas and words from others, must be strictly observed in all articles. This includes the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as ChatGPT, GEMINI, COPILOT, or similar.

Revista EJEF employs software and tools for plagiarism detection, ensuring academic and ethical integrity in its publications, following, among others, the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE.

For more information on the plagiarism policy, please contact the editorial team of Revista EJEF.

Article Processing and Publication Fees

Revista EJEF does not charge authors the following fees:

Article submission: 0.00 (BRL) Processing: 0.00 (BRL)

Revista EJEF does not charge any fees to authors and/or readers.



In this section, scientific and technical-legal articles of interest to the national and international legal community will be published, focusing on innovation, academic quality, and the practice of law that contribute to interdisciplinary reflection.

Open Topic

In this section, aiming to highlight scientific cross-disciplinarity, we intend to publish articles on diverse topics that relate other fields of knowledge such as literature, psychology, philosophy, etc., with law, providing alternative perspectives to legal debates.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.